A Meditation on Rembrandt's Head of Christ
What he sees he takes in.
Every human sorrow
fuels the fire that burns
low and steady
in his open heart.
He looked at the leper like this,
imagining the man's life
before he changed it.
He looked at the centurion and saw
what it must be for a father
to watch his child die.
He looked at the woman by the well,
and saw her five husbands, and sent her home
with a promise; at the woman caught
in adultery, and did not condemn her;
at the woman weeping at his feet - knowing
she knew him, who walked the dusty earth
unrecognized - and honored her extravagance.
One might live long
just to be looked at once this way,
judged, forgiven, and blessed,
taken in, recognized - a prayer answered
in eyes that meet longing and assuage it;
"Lord, remember me
when you come into your kingdom."
--Marilyn Chandler McEntyre - Drawn to the Light: Poems on Rembrandt's Religious Paintings (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003)
We used this poem as an opening prayer for our class one week and I wanted to share it.